SMILE States

The States of SMILE

Below is the list of most of the SMILE states you will ever need when running an experiment. Each state has a rudimentary tutorial on how to use them. If you need more information about what a specific state does, then checkout each state’s docstring.

The Flow States of SMILE

One of the basic types of SMILE states are the Flow states. Flow states are states that control the flow of the experiment.

Serial State

A Serial state is a state that has children and runs its children one after another. All states defined between the lines exp = Experiment() and in an experiment will exist as children of a Serial state. Once one state ends, the Serial state will call the next state’s start method. Like any flow state, the use of the with pythonic keyword is required and makes the source code look clean and readable. Below is an example of the Serial state.


For many examples, Action State Label will be used. This state merely displays text on the screen, similar to the “print” python command. For more details on Label, click Label.

The following two experiments are equivalent.

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

Label(text="First state", duration=2)
Label(text="Second state", duration=2)
Label(text="Third state", duration=2)
from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

with Serial():
    Label(text="First state", duration=2)
    Label(text="Second state", duration=2)
    Label(text="Third state", duration=2)

As shown above, the default state of an experiment is a Serial state in which all of the states initialized between exp = Experiment() and are children.

For more details, see the Serial docstring.

Parallel State

A Parallel state is a state that has children and runs those children simultaneously with each other, which we call parallel. The key to a Parallel state is that it will not end unless all of its children end. Once it has no more children running, the current state will schedule its own end call, allowing the next state to run.

The exception to this rule is a parameter called blocking. It is a Boolean property of every state. If set to False and the state exists as a child of a Parallel state, it will not prevent the Parallel state from calling its own end method. This means a Parallel will end when all of its blocking states have called their end method. All remaining, non-blocking states will have their cancel method called to allow the Parallel state to end.

An example below has 3 Label states that will disappear from the screen at the same time, despite having 3 different durations.

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

with Parallel():
    Label(text='This one is in the middle', duration=3)
    Label(text='This is on top', duration=5, blocking=False,
    Label(text='This is on the bottom', duration=10, blocking=False,

Because the second and third Label in the above example are non-blocking, the Parallel state will end after the first Label‘s duration of 3 seconds instead of the third Label‘s duration which was 10 seconds.

For more details, see the Parallel docstring.

Meanwhile State

A Meanwhile state is one of two parallel with previous states. A Meanwhile will run all of its children in a Serial state and then run that in Parallel with the previous state in the stack. A Meanwhile state will end when either all of its children have left, or if the previous state has left. In simpler terms, a Meanwhile state runs while the previous state is still running. If the previous state ends before the Meanwhile has ended, then the Meanwhile will cancel all of its remaining children.

If a Meanwhile is created and there is no previous state, then all of the children of the Meanwhile will run until they end or until the experiment is over. An example of this would be if Meanwhile were inserted right after the line exp = Experiment().

The following example shows how to use a Meanwhile to create an instructions screen that waits for a keypress to continue.

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

with Meanwhile():

As soon as the KeyPress state ends, the Label will disappear off the screen because the Meanwhile will have canceled it.

For more details, see the Meanwhile docstring.

UntilDone State

An UntilDone state is one of two parallel with previous states. An UntilDone state will run all of its children in a Serial state and then run them in a Parallel with the previous state. An UntilDone state will end when all of its children are finished. Once the UntilDone ends, it will cancel the previous state if still running.

If an UntilDone is created and there is no previous state (right after the exp = Experiment() line), all of the children of the UntilDone will run until they end. The experiment will then end.

The following example shows how to use an UntilDone to create an instructions screen that waits for a keypress to continue.

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

with UntilDone():

For more details, see the UntilDone docstring.

Wait State

A Wait state is a very simple state that has a lot of power behind it. This is particularly useful when coordinating the timings different action states. There are other options which can add to the wait to make it more complicated. The jitter parameter allows for the Wait to pause an experiment for the duration plus a random number between 0 and jitter seconds.

The unique characteristic a Wait state has is the ability to wait until a conditional is evaluated to True. The Wait will create a Ref that will call_back Wait to alert it to a change in value. Once that change evaluates to True, the Wait state will stop waiting and call its own end method.

An example below outlines how to use all the functionality of Wait. This example wants a Label to appear on the screen right after another Label does. Since the first Wait has a jitter, it is impossible to detect how long that would be, so there resides a second Wait wait until lb1 has an appear_time.

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

with Parallel():
    with Serial():
        Wait(duration=3, jitter=2)
        lb16 = Label(text="Im on the screen now", duration=2)
    with Serial():
        lb2 = Label(text="Me Too!", duration=2,

For more details, see the Wait docstring.

If, Elif, and Else States

These 3 states are how SMILE handles branching in an experiment. Only a If state is needed to create a branch. Through the use of the Elif and the Else state, much more complex experiments can be created.

An If state runs all of its children in serial only if its conditional statement is considered True. Below is a simple of an If state.

from smile.common import *
exp = Experiment()
exp.a = 1
exp.b = 1
with If exp.a == exp.b:

Here, exp.a == exp.b is the conditional statement. This If state expresses that if the conditional exp.a == exp.b is True, then the experiment will display the Label “CORRECT”. In this case, if the conditional was False (say exp.b = 2 instead of 1), then the experiment will not display the Label.

An Elif statement, short for “Else if”, is another conditional statement. It functions the same as the pythonic “elif”. An Else statement is identical to the pythonic “else”. The following is a 4 option if test.

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

Label(text='PRESS A KEY')
with UntilDone():
    kp = KeyPress()

with If(kp.pressed == "SPACEBAR"):
    Label(text="YOU PRESSED SPACE", duration=3)

with Elif(kp.pressed == "J"):
    Label(text="YOU PRESSED THE J KEY", duration=3)

with Elif(kp.pressed == "F"):
    Label(text="YOU PRESSED THE K KEY", duration=3)

with Else():
    Label(text="I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU PRESSED", duration=3)

For more details, see the:py:class:~smile.state.If, Elif, or Else docstrings.

Loop State

A Loop state can handle any kind of looping needed. The main use for a Loop state is to loop over a list of dictionaries that contain stimuli. Loops can also be created by passing in a conditional parameter. Lastly, instead of looping over a list of dictionaries, Loop states can be used to loop an exact number of times by passing in a number as a parameter.

A Loop state requires a variable to be defined to access all of the information about the loop. This can be performed by utilizing the pythonic as keyword. with Loop(list_of_dic) as trial: is the line that defines the loop. If access to the current iteration of a loop is needed, ‘trial.current’ can be utilized.

Refer to the :py:class:`~smile.state.Loop`* docstring for information on how to access the different properties of a Loop.

Below is an example of all 3 loops.

List of Dictionaries

from smile.common import *

#List Gen
list_of_dic = [{'stim':"STIM 1", 'dur':3},
               {'stim':"STIM 2", 'dur':2},
               {'stim':"STIM 3", 'dur':5},
               {'stim':"STIM 4", 'dur':1}]

# Initialize the Experiment
exp = Experiment()

# The *as* operator allows one to gain access
# to the data inside the *Loop* state
with Loop(list_of_dic) as trial:
    Label(text=trial.current['stim'], duration=trial.current['dur'])

Loop a number of times:

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

with Loop(10):
    Label(text='This will show up 10 times!', duration=1)

Loop while something is true:

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

exp.test = 0

# Never use *and* or *or*. Always use *&* and *|* when dealing
# with references. Conditional References only work with
# absolute operators, not *and* or *or*
with Loop(conditional = (exp.test < 10)):
    Label(text='This will show up 10 times!', duration=1)
    exp.test = exp.test + 1

For more details, see the Loop docstrings.

The Action States of SMILE

The other basic type of SMILE states are the Action states. The Action states handle both the input and output in experiments. The following are subclasses of WidgetState.


Heads up: All visual states that are wrapped by WidgetState are Kivy Widgets. That means all of their individual sets of parameters are located on Kivy’s website. For all of the parameters that every single WidgetState shares, refer to the WidgetState Doctring.


Debug is a State that is primarily used to print out the values of references to the command line. This State should not be used as a replacement for print during experimental runtime. It should only be used to print the current values of references during the experimental runtime.

You can give a Debug state a name to distinguish it from other Debug states that you might be running. Debug work with keyword arguments. Below is an example for how to properly use the Debug state and the sample output that it produces.

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

lbl = Label(text="Hello, World", duration=2)
Debug(name="Label appear debug", appear=lbl.appear_time['time'],

And it would output:

DEBUG (file: '', line: 7, name: Label appear debug) - lag=0.012901s
    appear: 1468255447.360574
    disappear: 1468255449.359951

For more details, see the Debug docstring.


Func is a State that can run a function during Experimental Runtime. The first argument is always the name of the function and the rest of the arguments are sent to the function. You can pass in parameters to the Func state the same way you would pass them into the function you are wanting to run during experimental runtime. In order to access the return value of the function passed in, you need to access the .result attribute of the Func state.

The following is an example on how to run a predefined function during experimental runtime.

from smile.common import *

def pre_func(i):
    return i * 50.7777

exp = Experiment()

with Loop(100) as lp:
    rtrn = Func(pre_func,lp.i)
    Debug(i = rtrn.result)

For more details click Func.


Label is a WidgetState that displays text on the screen for a duration. The parameter to interface with its output is called text. The label will display any string that is passed into text. Text_size can also be set, which is a tuple that contains (width, height) of the area the text resides in. If a goal in an experiment is to display multiple lines of text on the screen, this parameter is helpful through passing in (width_of_text, None) so the amount of text is not restricted in the vertical direction.

The following is a Label displaying the word “BabaBooie”:

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

Label(text="Hello, World", duration=2, text_size=(500,None))

For more details, see the Label docstring.


Image is a WidgetState that displays an image on the screen for a duration. The parameter to interface with its output is called source. A string path-name is passed into the desired image to be presented onto the screen. The allow_stretch parameter can be set to True if the original image needs to be presented at a different size. The allow_stretch parameter will stretch the image to the size of the widget without changing the original ratio of width to height.

By setting allow_stretch to True and keep_ratio to False the image will stretch to fill the entirety of the widget.

Below is an example of an image at the path “test_image.png” to be presented to the center of the screen:

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

Image(source="test_image.png", duration=3)

For more details, see the Image docstring.


Video is a WidgetState that shows a video on the screen for a duration. The parameter to interface with its output is called source. A string path-name to the video can be passed in to present the video on the screen. The video will play from the beginning for the duration of the video. The allow_stretch parameter can be set to True if changing the video size from the original size is desired. Afterwards, the video will attempt to fill the size of the Video Widget without changing the aspect ratio. Setting the keep_ratio parameter to False will completely fill the Video Widget with the video. There is also the position parameter, which has to be between 0 and the duration parameter, telling the video where to start.

Below is an example of playing a video at the path “test_video.mp4” that starts 4 seconds into the video and plays for the entire duration (duration=None):

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

Video(source="test_video.mp4", position=4)

For more details, see the Video docstring.

Vertex Instructions

Each Vertex Instruction outlined in displays a predefined shape on the screen for a duration. The following are all of the basic Vertex Instructions that SMILE implements:

  • Bezier
  • Mesh
  • Point
  • Triangle
  • Quad
  • Rectangle
  • BorderImage
  • Ellipse

The parameters for each of these vary, but just like any other SMILE state, they take the same parameters as the default State class. They are Kivy widgets wrapped in our WidgetState class. Kivy documentation can be referred to for understanding how to use them or what parameters they take.


Beep is a state that plays a beep noise at a set frequency and volume for a duration. The four parameters needed to set the output of this Beep are freq, volume, fadein, and fadeout. freq and volume are used to set the frequency and the volume of the Beep. freq defaults to 400 Hz and volume defaults to .5 the max system volume. fadein and fadeout are in seconds, and they represent the time it takes to get from 0 to volume and volume to 0 respectively.

Below is an example of a beep at 555hz for 2 seconds with no fade in or out while at 50% volume:

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

Beep(freq=555, volume=0.5, duration=2)

For more details, see the Beep docstring.


SoundFile is a state that plays a sound file - such as an mp3 - for a duration that defaults to the duration of the file. The parameter used to interface with the output of this state is filename. filename is the path name to the sound file saved on the computer. volume is a float from 1 to 0 where 1 is the max system volume.

The start parameter allows for sound files to begin at the desired point in the audio file. By using the start parameter, the audio will begin however many seconds into the audio file as desired.

The end parameter allows for sound files to end before the original end of the audio. The end parameter must be set to however many seconds from the beginning of the sound file it is desired to end at. The parameter must be greater than the value of start.

If the loop parameter is set to True, the sound file will run on a loop for the duration of the State.

Below is an example of playing a sound file at path “test_sound.mp3” at 50% volume for the full duration of the sound file:

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

SoundFile(source="test_sound.mp3", volume=0.5)

For more details, see the SoundFile docstring.


RecordSoundFile will record any sound coming into a microphone for the duration of the state. The audio recording will be saved to an audio file named after what is passed into the filename parameter.

Below is an example of recording sound for 10 seconds while looking at a Label that says “PLEASE TALK TO YOUR COMPUTER”. It then saves the recording as “new_sound.mp3”:

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

# UntilDone to cancel the label after the sound file
# is done recording.
with UntilDone():
    RecordSoundFile(filename="new_sound.mp3", duration = 10)

For more details, see the RecordSoundFile docstring.


Button is a visual and an input state that draws a button on the screen with optional text in the button for a specified duration. Every button can be set to have a name that can be referenced by ButtonPress states to determine if the correct button was pressed. See the SMILE tutorial example for ButtonPress for more information.

Below is an example of a Form, where a Label state will ask someone to type in an answer to a TextInput. Then they will press the button when they are finished typing:

from smile.common import *

from import TextInput

exp = Experiment()

# Show both the Label and the TextInput at the same time
# during the experiment
with Parallel():
    # Required to show the mouse on the screen during the experiment!
    Label(text="Hello, Tell me about your day!", center_y=exp.screen.center_y+50)
    TextInput(text="", width=500, height=200)

# When the button is pressed, the Button state ends, causing
# the parallel to cancel all of its children, the Label and the
# TextInput
with UntilDone():
    # A ButtonPress will end whenever one of its child buttons
    # is pressed.
    with ButtonPress():

For more details, see the Button docstring.


ButtonPress is a parent state, much like Parallel, that will run until a button inside of it is pressed. When defining a ButtonPress state, The name of a button inside of the parent state can be designated as the correct button to press by passing the string name of the correct Button or Buttons into the correct_resp parameter. Refer to the ButtonPress example in the SMILE tutorial document.

The following is an example of choosing between 3 buttons where only one of the buttons is the correct button to click:

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

# A ButtonPress will end whenever one of its child buttons
# is pressed.
with ButtonPress(correct_resp=['First_Choice']) as bp:
    # Required to do anything with buttons.
    Label(text="Choose WISELY")
    # Define both buttons, giving both unique names
    Button(name="First_Choice",text="LEFT CHOICE", center_x=exp.screen.center_x-200)
    Button(name="Second_Choice",text="RIGHT CHOICE", center_x=exp.screen.center_x+200)
Label(text=bp.pressed, duration=2)

For more details, see the ButtonPress docstring.


KeyPress is an input state that waits for a keyboard press during its duration. A list of strings can be passed in as parameters that are acceptable keyboard buttons into keys. A correct key can be selected by passing in its string name as a parameter to correct_resp.

Access to the information about the KeyPress state by can be achieved by using the following attributes:

-pressed : a string that is the name of the key that was pressed. -press_time : a float value of the time when the key was pressed. -correct : a boolean that is whether or not they pressed the correct_resp -rt : a float that is the reaction time of the keypress. It is press_time - base_time.

The following is a keypress example that will identify what keys were pressed.

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

with Loop(10):
    # Wait until any key is pressed
    kp = KeyPress()
    # Even though kp.pressed is a reference, you are able
    # to concatenate strings together
    Label(text="You Pressed :" + kp.pressed, duration = 2)

For more details, see the KeyPress docstring.


KeyRecord is an input state that records all of the keyboard inputs for its duration. This state will write out each keypress during its duration to a .slog file.

The following example will save out a .slog file into log_bob.slog after recording all of the keypresses during a 10 second period:

from smile.common import *

exp = Experiment()

KeyRecord(name="Bob", duration = 10)

For more details, see the KeyRecord docstring.


MouseCursor is a visual state that shows the mouse for its duration. In order to effectively use ButtonPress and Button states, MouseCursor in parallel must be used. Refer to the ButtonPress example in the SMILE tutorial page for more information.

The cursor image and the offset of the image can also be set as parameters to this state. Any image passed in filename will be presented on the screen, replacing the default mouse cursor.

The following example is of a mouse cursor that needs to be presented with an imaginary image to be displayed as the cursor. Since the imaginary image is 100 by 100 pixels, and it points to the center of the image, we want the offset of the cursor to be (50,50) so that the actual click of the mouse is in the correct location:

from smile.common import *

exp = experiment()

MouseCursor(duration = 10, filename="mouse_test_pointer.png", offset=(50,50))

For more details, see the MouseCursor docstring.

For more useful mouse tutorials, see the Mouse Stuff section of the Tutorial document.